Format: 27 x 20 cm / 64 pages / Offset print 1/1 black {Heidelberg} on 170g “Pérola” Popset paper / Cover: dry print on 380 g Fedrigoni paper / Bookbinding: screws / Edition of 500 units
Graphical concept and design: José Feitor
Graphical concept and design: José Feitor
Language: Portuguese/English
The book Iron Head is an essentially visual anthology about one of the most striking moments of the short Human history and the one that noisily announces our entrance in the Contemporary World: the Industrial Revolution. Various illustrators were invited to express, in black and white, their relation with the wonderful and terrible world of machines. The introductory text is by the archaeologist Luís Luís. Set of illustrators: André Lemos, Dr. Orango, Bruno Borges, Pedro Burgos, Richard Câmara, Filipe Abranches, Jucifer, Luís Henriques, Zé Cardoso, Rui Vitorino Santos, Pedro Lourenço, João Maio Pinto, José Feitor, Joana Rosa Bragança, Rosa Baptista and Júlio Dolbeth.The edition is accompanied by the Industrial Sound Wreck, a sound collage by Filipe Leote.
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